

Entries for 2024

The Summer Reading List

Posted on July 11, 2024 in: General News

The Summer Reading List
Source COMMENTARY: These marvelous books offer a convincing correction to secularist culture’s nonsensical narrative about how we became who we are. George Weigel Commentaries July 10, 2024 A long time ago (but not in a galaxy far away), Baltimore’s St. Paul Latin High School ha...

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St. Kateri Tekakwitha Feast Day
Source On July 14, the Church celebrates the feast day of St. Kateri Tekakwitha, the first Native American to be canonized. Known as the "Lily of the Mohawks," Kateri lived a life of holiness and virtue, despite obstacles and opposition within her tribe. Kateri was born in Auriesvill...

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St. Maria Goretti Feast Day

Posted on June 27, 2024 in: General News

St. Maria Goretti Feast Day
Source July 6 marks the feast day of St. Maria Goretti, a young virgin and martyr whose life is an example of purity and mercy for all Christians. St. Maria Goretti is best known for her commitment to purity and the courageous defence of her faith at the young age of eleven that made her willi...

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This Fourth of July, Call On Our Spiritual Mother
Source As we celebrate our nation’s birth on July 4, it’s a good time to ask Our Lady, Immaculately Conceived, Patroness of the United States of America, to intercede for us, all of us, from sea to shining sea. She is our mother, after all — mother for all of us: those on the ...

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July 4th—Independence Day, U.S.A.
Source Quote: When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature’s God ent...

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In Praise of Little Things (and Raising Little Ones)
Source How easy it is to fall into a rhythm of just doing things to do the things. That doing A simply gets you to B. Something goes your way. Something doesn’t. You get out of something. You have to do something extra. This benefits me. This doesn’t. But in all these things God offer...

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The Virgin and Child with Saints Peter and Paul
Source Saints Peter and Paul Saint of the Day for June 29 Saints Peter and Paul’s Story Peter (d. 64?) Saint Mark ends the first half of his Gospel with a triumphant climax. He has recorded doubt, misunderstanding, and the opposition of many to Jesus. Now Peter makes his great conf...

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Immaculate Heart of Mary: Feast, Prayers, Litany and More
Source The Immaculate Heart of Mary refers to Mary’s interior heart, which remained sinless and devoted to God despite the challenges and sorrows she encountered on earth. Pope Paul VI called it “the model of perfect love toward God and toward our fellow beings.” The feast...

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June is the Month of the Sacred Heart
Source In this month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, let’s often repeat some simple little prayer each waking hour of each day for all our loved ones, living and deceased. And let us include all those who have no one who prays for them, especially priests, religious, and victims of neglect or...

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Men Need Adventure: How the Christian Adventure Differs from the World’s
Source Adventure may be an overused word, but therefore it is in need of recovery. The words “advent” and “adventure” share a common Latin root – adventurus – about to happen. In Advent we looked forward to the coming of Christ at Christmas, remembering his ...

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